Perhaps you are familiar with using milestone searches. The Logos Help says, “A milestone marks a specific location in a Logos resource. It can be thought of as a waypoint or point of interest within the text of a resource.” Every verse in your Bible uses milestones and most of your commentaries use milestones to make them “versified.” This means you can search for things like:
hope IN milestone:bible:”Luke 13:1-9″

This means that you are searching for the word hope in your books that are versified.
However, you can also do the same kind of search in headwords. Where milestones act like place markers, usually noting verses, headwords are usually dictionary entries.
heaven IN headword:eschatology
This search will show you everywhere heaven is found in any dictionary or encyclopedia with the headword eschatology.

To take it a step further, do a factbook search for eschatology and notice all the different terms included toward the top.

Now, take those and add them to your search.

This expands the amount of resources available for your search. Finally, you can always search passages within headwords. This will show those verses used in those sections that have those headwords.
bible:”Luke 12:49-13:35″ IN headword:(eschatology OR “Day of the Lord” OR “End of the World” OR “End Times”)
This kind of searching will help you utilize your library to become a reference library, not just a reading library. I’d love to see what kind of searches our community comes up with!